Line-Dance El TIBURON

During all the Salsa Partys I have visited, they always have this moment when the DJ plays this song EL TIBURON by Projecto Uno and then everybody on the floor is lining up to do this great line-dance which atually is named electric slide. I remember the days when I was a beginner and I found it very hard to join the line as I was afraid I could not do the right steps and everybody would stare at me doing many mistakes. Now I am perfect to dance it and I have found a nice way to explain it. I looked for some sexy young girls and did a video, explaining the dance to them.

The dance is a must to know if you go to salsa-partys.

Wie viele Kultvideos von Ulises ist auch dieses Video nicht mehr im Angebot.
Wer den Tanz lernen will, kann einen Kurs besuchen. Danke. Ulises.

Fotos vom Tiburon
Fotos vom Tiburon
Songtext Tiburon

Page online seit Jan. 10, 2004 - updated Aug 25, 2004 und am 17.12.2008

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